M1 Finance’s Robo-Advisor Tested & Rated for 2024

Our review testing finds that M1 Finance is a high-quality automated investing robo-advisor with a broad platform of financial products and a clear visibility into its investing performance. With $0 fees and a $100 minimum balance, M1 is worth trying. 

Robo-Advisors, AI-Advisors and Hybrid-Advisors Explained

A robo-advisor is a fully automated investing service; a hybrid advisor adds the human touch to investing, and the AI robo-advisor uses algorithms and machine learning to make investments on your behalf.

9 Top Robo-Advisors Tested & Compared for 2024

The best robo-advisors, according to our research, are M1 Invest, Betterment, Wealthfront Ellevest, and Fidelity Go. In a competitive market, the quality and benefits of automated investing are improving every year.

A Definitive Guide to Robo-Advisors by LiberatedStockTrader

At its core, a robo-advisor is a computer algorithm that provides automated advice and portfolio management. It combines modern investment theories with technology to create portfolios tailored to individual goals.

Are Robo-Advisors Safe To Use? We Take a Look!

Although robo-advisors are a new technology, those offered by the major investment houses are safe. But that does not mean all are safe. Robo-advisors offer...

Do Robo-Advisors Outperform the Stock Market?

Robo-advisors do not beat the stock market's average performance. Most Robo-advisors are designed to passively invest in index ETFs and, therefore, have practically no chance to outperform the market.

Are Robo-Advisors Worth It? What Are The Alternatives?

Robo-advisors are worth it if you want to automate tax-loss harvesting & low-cost access to ETFs and mutual funds, saving you money. They also provide automatic portfolio construction, rotation & adjustment based on your risk and preferences.

20 Leading Robo-Advisor Profits & Fees Compared

Our research into robo-advisor fees and returns shows M1 Invest, SigFig, and Wealthfront are innovative leaders in the industry. There are many robo-advisors available now, and the list is growing.

How Do Robo-Advisors & Automated Investing Work?

Robo-advisors automate the complex task of creating and managing a portfolio by selecting investments according to your risk profile. Time-consuming tasks like purchasing stocks, portfolio rotation, and tax loss harvesting are performed automatically by the best robo-advisors.