We Test Stock Analyst Ratings for Reliability and Accuracy

Stock analyst ratings provide investors with guidance about the future growth and profitability of a company. Unfortunately, our data shows that analyst ratings are 95% inaccurate and are heavily "Buy" or "Strong Buy" biased.

What are Stock Splits and How to Trade Them?

In a stock split, a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to increase liquidity. A reverse stock split combines several shares into one to reduce outstanding shares.

How to Perform a Broker Background Check in 7 Steps

Checking a broker's or financial advisor's background before investing should not be overlooked. Performing checks with FINRA, IAPD, and the CFP board can help ensure your investments are safe and that you're working with someone trustworthy.

10 Beginner Stock Investing Tips Based on Proven Data

Mainstream finance websites regurgitate mindless tips for beginner investors written by interns. Our advice provides proven research based on decades of analysis, from charts, patterns, and indicators to tested investing growth, dividend, and value investing strategies.

What’s a Hedge Fund, How They Work & Are They Worth...

A hedge fund is an investment vehicle that pools capital from high-net-worth investors and flexibly invests in a range of assets, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and derivatives.

6 Key Business & Economic Cycles Affecting Stocks

Six waves and cycles influence how our economies, businesses, and financial markets expand and contract. The Kondratieff Wave, Kuznets Cycle, Juglar Cycle, Business Cycle, Presidential Cycle, and Seasonal Cycle will change how you see the world.

11 Real-World Investment Scams to Avoid in 2024

Investment scammers defrauded $8.8 billion from unsuspecting consumers in 2022, a staggering 30% year-on-year surge. Don't fall victim to NFT, Crypto, Forex, Ponzi, or offshore scams.

Our Best Training & Strategies

Liberated Stock Trader Pro: Learn Stock Market Investing

Learn stock market investing with the complete online stock trading course by Barry D. Moore, a certified financial analyst from the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).

ETF Investing Strategy: MOSES Improves Performance & Lowers Risk

The MOSES ETF investing strategy is a powerful suite of indicators meticulously backtested over 100 years. Designed to empower you to outperform the market, it equips you with the tools to navigate major stock market crashes and unlock greater investing performance.

LiberatedStockTrader’s Strategy Beat the Market By 102%

Decades of research and testing unveiled the Liberated Stock Trader Beat the Market System. Our 9-year, backtested, and proven strategy targets 35 financially healthy high-growth stocks, producing a track record of beating the S&P 500 by 102%.